本公司主要以“Aisun”品牌生产销售五金塑料家具配件,是一家专业生产走珠滑轨及多种家具五金配件的厂家,自创办以来一直以“高起点”、“高质”、“高品位”为宗旨,以无限的创意、严谨的工作而赢得客户的信赖。产品遍布全国,并远销欧美、中东、东南亚等国家和地区。我们始终坚持品质至优,服务至上的原则不断推出新颖优质的新产品,热忱欢迎新老客户来人来电洽谈,携手共创辉煌。Ou company is mainly manufactuing and selling Hadwae plastics funitue accssoies with the logo Aisun.We specialize in manufactueing Ball Beaing Dawe Slide and othe funitue accssoies.Since its in ception ou company has been to high stating point, high quality, high gade fo the pupose, the way to gain custome's tust is ou unlimited ceativity and igoous wok. Ou poducts is thoughout the county, and we also expoted to Euope and the United States, Middle East, Southeast Asia and othe cuonties and egions. We always adhee to the high quality, and wold-class custome sevice, and always intoduce new pod-ucts.